This Filthy Earth
This Filthy Earth
This Filthy Earth Movie Online HD Soap2day. The tragic story of two sisters whose lives are disrupted by two men. Amidst a landscape of rural hardship and a community consumed with superstition, events unfurl which threaten their sibling bond.
- Genre: Horror, Drama
- Cast: Rebecca Palmer, Shane Attwooll, Demelza Randall, Xavier Tchili, Dudley Sutton, Ina Clough, Peter-Hugo Daly, Eve Steele, Ryan Kelly, Benji Ming, Bill Rodgers, George Neville, Rachel Kirk, Etta Kötting, Stuart Richman, Rosemary Townsend, Robert Hickson, Jem Frazer, Mandy Vickerman, Jaslyn Griffiths, Sue Clark,